
My mixed media work focuses on transitional situations. We have to cross borders, or we might try to avoid them. What do we leave, what are we taking with us? Transgression, changes, time passing: how do we perceive all this? How do we deal with change? Can we understand it?
How can we keep ourselves, the world and thus the future healthy and safe?

I like to use discarded fabric, like old embroideries, scraps and other ‘useless’ materials to visualise my reflections. Usually taken for granted, it has probably more than any other material the enormous capacity to evoke recognition and resonate in us.


QA - Layers & Narratives
2025, January 19 - April 27, Museum De Kantfabriek, Horst, NL
2025, May 4 -31, Het Gasthuis, Aarschot, B
2025, September - December, Krefeld Textilmuseum, D
2026, September, Fuga, Budapest, H

Miniartextil Como 2023 'DENUNDARE FEMINAS VESTIS'
Ma Donna 1
2023, August 5 - September 3, Chiesa di San Pietro in Atrio, Como, I
2024, May 21 - June 19, Museo del Tessile, Busto Arsizio, I

QA - Following the thread
Echoes 1-2, 2021
2023, June 17 - September 10, Tuchfabrik, Esch-Sauer, Luxembourg
2024, July 13 - September 8, De Schierstins, Veenwouden, NL
2024, October 12 - November 9, Guildford House, Guildford, UK

QA - Material Evidence
Can we leave things as they are, 2018
2024, January 13 - May 27, MAC, Birmingham, UK

Kunstsmullen Heeze, NL
Random Thoughts, 2024
2024, September 29 - October 27, woods around Kapellerput Heeze, NL

Stedelijk Museum Breda, NL
Don't look now, 2012
2024, September -