Since the beginning of this century Dutch artist Mirjam Pet-Jacobs (MA in English, Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL; specialisation drawing, Art Academy Arendonk, B) has been considered as one of the most innovative and important European artists in her field.
Pet-Jacobs has won several international prizes, winning the first prize at the 5th Riga International Textile and Fibre Art Triennial, Riga, LV (2015) and twice the European Quilt Triennial, Heidelberg, D (2003 and 2009), as being most noteworthy, and exhibits all over the world. Her works have been featured in books, catalogues and magazines, as well as in the Brockhaus Enzyklopädie Deutschland. She is the author of ‘Textile Adventures’, a book based on one of her master classes, published in three languages by Bergtor Verlag, Germany.
Pet-Jacobs has been a member of numerous international jury committees and has given master classes all over Europe, including the Sommerakademie Kloster Irsee and PIVA, St.Moritz.
Her artwork is in the permanent collections of, amongst others, the Textilsammlung Max Berk, Heidelberg, D, the Gallery of Szombathely, H, Museum Delmenhorst, D, and the International Quilt Study Center at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, US.
Mirjam Pet-Jacobs lives and works in Velp, Gld, The Netherlands.
Most artwork is for sale.
CONTACT: mj[at]mirjampetjacobs[dot]nl
“One of the most memorable artists who create quilts using complex techniques is certainly Mirjam Pet-Jacobs. Her works are very concise and show a contrast of soft fabrics and bright colours. They have a very precise composition and their themes touch upon acute social issues.” -
Dr. O.V. Dokuchaeva, Deputy Director General for Research at SMR “Tsaritsyno”, Moscow, 2013
"Upsetting expectations of what a quilt should be, Mirjam has fully exploited the potential of this medium. From a sculptural work made from a recycled quilt to works with powerful, and frankly disturbing content, she continues to push the idea of ‘quilt’ beyond its comfortable boundaries and our comfort zone. She is an artist indeed." -
Dr.Sue Marks, independent scholar, quilt author, UK, in her speech at the opening of the 5th European Quilt Triennial, Heidelberg, 2012
"The Dutch Mirjam Pet-Jacobs is one of the most innovative and important European quilt artists. [...] At least since the first experiments of Nam June Paik and Wolf Vostell in the early 60s of the 20th century, it is impossible to imagine the contemporary art scene without video art. In 2009, it has entered the quilt art field with a video installation by Mirjam Pet-Jacobs for the first time." -
Kunstwerks des Monats, Dr. Kristine Scherer, curator Textile Collection Max Berk, Palatinate Museum, D, December, 2012
“Messages permeate the work of Mirjam Pet-Jacobs. Some of the messages are literally words easily read across surface. Others are hidden, written on tiny scrolls that she wraps up and attaches to her work. Some of her messages are purely visual, conveyed through bands of color splashed across black-and-white photos. And some of her messages are mute, conveyed by “Mimi” figures – long, thin, abstract figures that represent the vulnerability and helplessness of mankind. They project an aura of calm that contrasts with an emotionally charged, chaotic background.
A frequent experimenter, Pet-Jacobs often works with new forms and recently completed a video installation that includes footage of her quilting, projected through several layers of suspended sheer fabric so that the installation is “stitched” together by light. Her complex, atmospheric quilts resonate with viewers as they explore the nature of solitude and human connection.” – Martha Sielman, author of ‘Masters: Art Quilts, Volume 2, 2011.
“Several smaller quilts hung on the opposite side of the cube. Here I found a very intriguing and inspiring piece by MirjamPet-Jacobs, a Netherlands-based artist. Upon approach I could
sense that Meditation 1 - O, for the wings of dove was not an American-made piece. Combining shibori, computer printing, feathers, vinyl and type, this piece was elegant, poetic, and impeccably crafted but, most important it aesthetically balanced in design. It was one of the few pieces not relying on tradition while pushing the envelope on innovative ideas.” -
Bruce Hoffman, the director of́ Snyderman-Works Galleries, Philadelphia, PA, US, 2008 (review AQE)
2023 - Open Stal, Galerie Hawar, Oldeberkoop, NL
2017 - Nordwolle Nordwestdeutsches Museum für IndustrieKultur, Delmenhorst, D
2017 - 23rd EPM, Sainte Marie-aux Mines, F
2016 - OEQC, MECC, Maastricht, NL
2016 - Kasteel Heeze (Kunstsmullen), NL
2016 - Sommerakademie Kloster Irsee, D
2016 - Kerk Zandeweer, Quiltfestival Noord Groningen, Zandeweer, NL
2012 - Textilsammlung Max Berk, Heidelberg
2012 - Het Waalres Museum, NL
2008 - Artihove Art Centre, Bergschenhoek, NL
2006 - La Sucrière, Lyon, F
2005 - Aboriginal Art Museum Utrecht, NL
2005 - 11th EPM, Sainte Marie-aux Mines, F
2004 - Het Waalres Museum, NL
2025 - International Mini-Textiles Angers, Musee Jean-Lurcat et de la Tapisserie contemporaine
2025 - QA-Layers and Narratives (Museum De Kantfabriek, Horst, NL; Het Gasthuis, Aarschot, B; German Textile Museum, Krefeld, D)
2024 - STDLK Museum Breda, NL
2024 - Kunstsmullen Heeze, NL
2024 - QA-Following the Thread, De Schierstins, Veenwouden, NL
2023 - Miniartextile Como (Como, Busto Arsizio)(as well as 2018, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2009)
2023 - QA-Following the Thread, Tuchfabrik, Esch-sur-Sure, L
2023 - 7th Riga International Textile and Fibre Art Triennial, LV (and 2018, 2015)
2023 - 3rd Micro and Mini Textile Art Scythia, Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ukraine (and 2021, 2019, 2017)
2023 - QA-Material Evidence (The Hub Sleaford, UK; Museum Deggendorf, D; Textilsammlung, Max Berk, Heidelberg, D; Fuga Gallery, Budapest, H; Menier Gallery London)
2022 - High Five Art Gallery, Baarle Nassau, NL
2021 - Galerie NZ, Arendonk, B
2021 - Galerie Zone, Leiden, NL
2021 - 7th Triennial of Textile Arts, Art Gallery Szombathely, H
2020 - QA-Traces (New Brewery Arts, Cirencester, UK; Farfield Mill, Sedbergh, UK)
2019 - Gallery De Kliuw, Heeze, NL
2019 - RMBRNDT.NU, Amsterdam, NL
2019 - Zomerexpo, Museum De Fundatie, Zwolle, NL
2019 - 8th International Fine Arts Festival, Kranj, Slovenia (invitational)
2019 - 3rd International Textile Art Biennial, Haacht, B (and 2017, 2015)
2018 - The Nature of the Stitch, Sheehan Gallery at Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA, US (invitational)
2017 - Through Our Hands - A Portrait, NEC, Birmingham UK (invitational)
2017 - EAQ Grande Finale, Historisch Museum Goes, NL
2017 - 10th International Biennial of Textile Miniatures "ETHNO", Gallery Arka, Vilnius, Lithuania
2017 - QA30 - Dialogues (Guildford House, UK; Museum Dr8888, NL; EPM, F; Textilsammlung Max Berk,D; Quilt Museum York, UK)
2017 - QA30 - Small Talk ( International Quilt Study Center, Nebraska, US; Museum De Schierstins, NL; Gallery De Kunstpraktijk, Veldhoven, NL; Textile Art, Berlin; FoQ, Birmingham; Silk Museum Macclesfield, UK)
2016 - World of Threads Festival, Ontario, Canada
2015 - 6th European Quilt Triennial, Textilsammlung Max Berk, Heidelberg, D (touring, Museum Zons, D, Textilmuseum St. Gallen, CH, Sweden) (and 2009, 2003)
2015 - Bilston Craft Gallery, Bilston, UK (Through Our Hands)(invitational)
2015 - 't Reghthuys, Nieuwkoop, NL (invitational)
2014 - 8th International Fiber Art Biennial 'From Lausanne to Beijing', Nantong, China
2014 - Fine Art Quilt Masters 2014, London, Birmingham, UK
2013 - Museum-Reserve Tsaritsyno, Moscow, RU (invitational)
2013 - The Bank, Eye, Suffolk, UK (invitational)
2013 - Artexures 2013 (touring, as well as 2011, 2009)
2012 - CONTEXTILE 2012, Design's Institute, Guimarães, P
2012 - Asie-Europe, Janina Monkute-Marks Museum, Kedainiai, LT
2012 - 4th Textile Art Triennial, Gallery of Szombathely, H (as well as 2009)
2012 - European Art Quilts VII (as well as VI, V, IV, III; all touring)
2011 - 7th International Biennial of Textile Miniatures, Art Gallery "Arka", Vilnius, LT
2010 - Musée d’art et d’histoire, Neuchâtel, CH (EXNA 4; invitational)
2008 - Fries Museum, Leeuwarden, NL (invitational)
AWARDS (selection)
2015 - 5th Riga International Textile and Fibre Art Triennial: 1st prize
2015 - Art Quilt Award 2015, Museum Nordwolle Delmenhorst, D: 1st prize
2012 - World Photo Concert contest, Parktheater, Eindhoven, NL: one of the five award winners
2011 - Infinite Art Gallery – Fiber Arts Show: Best of Show
2009 - 4th European Quilt Triennial, Heidelberg-D: Doris Winter commemoration prize for innovation of material, technique and concept
2008 - AQE, Wayne, PA-US: SAQA Cream Award
2007 - Quilt Art Lugano-CH: 2nd prize
2005 - Draíocht, Dublin-IRL: joint-winner price most outstanding artistic quality
2003 - 2nd European Quilt Triennial, Heidelberg-D : 1st prize
PUBLICATIONS (selection)
2024 - Pro Arte, Academie Arendonk, B
2021 - Kunst bij Kapellerput, Galerie De Kliuw, Heeze, NL
2018 - Art Quilts Unfolding: 50 years of innovation, Nancy Bavor, Lisa Ellis and Martha Sielman, Schiffer Publishing, PA
2018 - The Collage Ideas Book, Alannah Moore, ILEX, Octopus Publishing Group, London
2017 - Een stukje papier, Mr.Motley Magazine (result of the investigation ‘The Sunday Painter’)
2016 - Excellence in Fibers, a juried exhibition in print, Fiber Art Now, Vol 6 issue 2
2015 - International Textilkunst, 43. Jahrgang, März 2015, Heft 1, Jun 2015 Heft 2
2014 - TextileArt around the world, Ellen Bakker, Textiellink
2013 - Art Quilts in Nederland, Henk Lijding MA, WBOOKS, Zwolle
2013 - Text in Textile Art, Sara Impey, Batsford, London
2012 - Textiles, The Art of Mankind, Mary Schoeser, Thames & Hudson, London
2012 - Textiles, The Art of Mankind, Mary Schoeser, Thames & Hudson, London
2012 - Connecting Design to Stitch, Sandra Meech, Batsford, London
2011 - Textile Abenteuer/Adventures/Aventures Textiles, Mirjam Pet-Jacobs, Bergtor Verlag, D
2011 - Masters: Art Quilts II, Larkbooks
2011 - Colour in art quilts, Janet Twinn, Batsford, London
2010 - The Art Quilt Collection, Designs and Inspiration from Around the World, Sixth & Spring Book
2007 - Dutch Quilt - Quilt in Beeld, Ria van Els-Dubelaar, Zijdar Book BV
2018 - Mein Lieblingsquilt, PP01/2018
2015 - Art Quilts en Art Quilters, Henk Lijding MA, QN 125
2014 - Social Fabric, Jonathan Rinck, 2014/11/12
2013 - Netwerken van Artquilters, Henk Lijding, QN 116
2012 - SAQA Journal, MPJ featured artist, Vol. 22, No.2
2012 - MPJ – Timeless in Time, KM Heidelberg, NR 333
2012 - Waalrese kunstenaars exposeren in het Waalres Museum, Nr.21
2011 - Mein Studio: MPJ, PP03/2011
2010 - Gelaagd leeg, Textiel Plus 214
2009 - RSVP, Henk Lijding, QN 99
2017 - Een stukje papier, Fenne Saedt, Mr.Motley
2012 - Ricky Tims: MPJ – Art Quilts with a Powerful Message
- Arte&Arte aps, Como, I
- Nordwolle Nordwestdeutsches Museum für IndustrieKultur, Delmenhorst, D
- Textilsammlung Max Berk - Kurpfälzisches Museum, Heidelberg, D
- Gallery of Szombathely, H
- International Quilt Museum, Nebraska, LN, USA
- Aurifil SRL, Milan, I
- Quilts Inc Collection, USA
- Nationale Quilt Collectie, Uithuizermeede, NL
- private collections in EU and USA
- Aurifil SLR-Italy, 2009
- Designer Workshop in Patchwork Professional 03/2008
- quilt pattern in Magic Patch no.22, 2002
- concept and design anniversary present the Quiltersgilde, 2002, in co-operation with Rita Berghuis-Ensing
- private commissions
2020 - 2022 Art Academy Arendonk, B (drawing-specialisation)
2015 - 2020 Art Academy Arendonk, B (drawing)
2005 - 2006 Laboratorium I and II, CKE, Eindhoven (multi disciplined fine arts courses)
2001 - 2003 Quilten Speciaal 1, AK, Utrecht, NL (former SBA)
1980 - 1985 MA English, incl. first degree teaching qualification, Radboud University Nijmegen, NL